Seneca County commissioners agree to hold off on courthouse demolition until March


TIFFIN Seneca County commissioners this morning agreed to hold off on demolishing the county s 1884 courthouse at least until March 17.

By a 2-1 vote, commissioners approved a resolution that states the board does not intend to take any irreparable action regarding the courthouse, specifically that it will not award a contract for demolition before March 17.

Commissioners Ben Nutter and Dave Sauber, who have supported plans to demolish the vacant courthouse and build a new, smaller building in its place, both voted in favor of the resolution.

They said the time out would give the state time to determine how much financial assistance it can commit for the courthouse renovation and give commissioners enough time to get a tax issue to support renovation on the March 4 primary ballot if they choose to go to the voters.

Commissioner Mike Bridinger, who has opposed demolition and wants to renovate the courthouse, said he was voting against the resolution because he was uncomfortable with the March 17 deadline.

He said the state will not finalize its budget until June or July and he felt commissioners should wait at least until then to make their decision on the courthouse.

That s my concern, Mr. Bridinger said after the meeting. Other than that fact, it was fine.

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