3 historic groups to eye Seneca County courthouse artifacts


TIFFIN - The Seneca County commissioners plan to invite representatives of three historical groups to walk through the 1884 courthouse before it is razed to determine what artifacts should be salvaged.

County Administrator Cindy Keller said yesterday she would schedule a walk-through with the director of the Seneca County Museum, representatives of the museum's foundation, and the Tiffin Historic Trust. She said the commissioners determined the county would only be able to salvage what is practical.

"We're going to stress this is for historic value, not sentimental value," Ms. Keller said. "It also can't be cost-prohibitive to pull it out and save it."

While the board is preparing to advertise for demolition bids, it also is searching for an architect to design a replacement building - decisions that followed the defeat last month of a bond issue intended to pay for renovation of the 1884 courthouse.

Yesterday, the commissioners selected three architectural firms to interview for the design of a new courthouse.

Ms. Keller said the board plans to interview LDZ of Columbus, the Bostwick Design Partnership of Cleveland, and MKC Associates of Mansfield.

The interviews are expected to take place April 8.