Davis Besse nuclear plant engineer gets probation for hiding damage

In this October 2007 photo, Davis Besse trial defendents leave Federal Courthouse after verdict. From left: attorney Andrew Wise, David Geisen and his wife, Kathy, exiting courthouse
In this October 2007 photo, Davis Besse trial defendents leave Federal Courthouse after verdict. From left: attorney Andrew Wise, David Geisen and his wife, Kathy, exiting courthouse

A former Davis Besse nuclear plant engineer found guilty of

hiding information about the worst corrosion ever found at a U.S. reactor was sentenced Thursday to three years probation.

David Geisen,47, a former Perrysburg resident who now lives in Wisconsin, was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Toledo.

Judge David Katz also placed Geisen on house arrest for four months and imposed a $7,500 fine.

A jury in October found the engineer guilty of three of five deception charges for misleading the NRC about the status of the plant's old reactor head in the fall of 2001.

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