Weekend in review: Top stories, multimedia

<img src=http://www.toledoblade.com/assets/gif/weblink_icon.gif> <font color=red><b> READ FULL STORY:</b> <a href=Dems brace for fallout over Dann " rel="storyimage1" title="Marc-Dann.jpg"/>
&lt;img src=http://www.toledoblade.com/assets/gif/weblink_icon.gif&gt; &lt;font color=red&gt;&lt;b&gt; READ FULL STORY:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; /apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080504/NEWS24/805040317&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;Dems brace for fallout over Dann&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

COLUMBUS - Democrats promised to hold themselves to a "higher standard" in 2006 as they rode Republican scandal into office, so some are openly questioning whether the new Democratic regime has surrendered the moral high ground with its first major scandal. The questions go beyond whether Attorney General Marc Dann can politically survive his admission Friday that his own extramarital affair with an employee may have contributed to an atmosphere in his office that led to accusations that a top aide sexually harassed two state employees.

Share Our Strength's 13th annual Taste of the Nation Toledo was bigger and better than ever this year. Outstanding food and a good cause - the fight against childhood hunger - brought out a crowd that exceeded 1,000. Held April 27 at Navy Bistro at the Docks, the smartly dressed crowd was lined up when the doors opened at 5 p.m.

Authorities arrested 16 drivers suspected of drunken driving as part of the Circle Toledo enforcement effort, the commander of the Toledo post of the Ohio Highway Patrol said. Lt. Robin Schmutz said the effort involved 19 police agencies in northwest Ohio and southeastern Michigan.

Seventeen adults and six juveniles were arrested early Saturday at a South Toledo motorcycle club, Toledo police said. Police raided the club at 555 Spencer St. at 3:30 a.m. with a "no knock" warrant. Two handguns, an unspecified amount of marijuana, prescription medication, and money was seized during the investigation.

IT WASN'T a pretty financial picture at most Toledo regional companies last year, and executive compensation suffered. Salaries went up, but stock awards and options generally were down, and fewer bonuses were awarded. Overall, the pay and benefits for the area's top executives were down 7.5 percent last year. The economy and the struggling industries of the local firms bear part of the blame.

What the movie Expelled tells us about Darwinists is not new. In the 1980s, a Newsweek article quoted an evolutionist saying he wished he were in something "more intellectually honest - like used car sales." In religion editor David Yonke's April 28 story, Sean Carroll displays the typical attitude of evolutionists, saying scientists who don't agree with the establishment can't be considered "literate."

LOS ANGELES Studio executives hope they ve trained their audiences well as the season of summer blockbusters arrives. This month through mid-August, Hollywood will bank on the idea that there is at least one movie every week and sometimes two that you simply must see.