The Blade's Road Warrior

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The Blade s Road Warrior advises readers each Friday where the biggest driving headaches will be throughout the construction season. He ll tell you the locations

to avoid and the detours to take.

Additional construction and safety concerns are the reasons city officials provided for their decision to close Airport Highway (State Rt. 2) this week at a culvertreplacement site in southwest Toledo.

Traffic was already reduced to one lane each way when detours were set up Wednesday and yesterday. City offi cials say it will remain closed at least through

next week. The closest alternatives are Heatherdowns Boulevard or Angola Road, and those may be congested.

It seems like most drivers in the Toledo area are aware of the need to pull over when an emergency vehicle approaches from either direction with its lights flashing. But did you know you re also supposed to change lanes or slow down if you see a stopped police car, fire truck, or ambulance on the shoulder?

Reader Paul Many wrote us this week to report that a friend of his was pulled over in Indiana for failing to do just that. It s also the law in Ohio and Michigan: slow

down or, on multi-lane highways, change lanes to give a wide berth to that public-safety vehicle.

Similar laws are on the books in other states. According to, Texas requires traffic to slow to 20 mph below the speed limit under such circumstances,

but Ohio and Michigan law does not specify the reduced speed.