Man in critical condition after Wednesday crash in Huron County


BELLEVUE, Ohio A 28-year-old man was in critical condition Thursday morning after being hurt the day before when his sport-utility vehicle crashed in Huron County s Sherman Township, authorities said.

Dustin C. Jones, of Crawford County s North Robinson, was listed in critical condition in St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo, a hospital spokesman said.

Mr. Jones was northbound on State Rt. 4 north of Highway 269 about 6:34 p.m. Wednesday when he lost control of the SUV, causing it to go off the left side of the roadway and strike a ditch, Trooper Matt Davis, of the Ohio Highway Patrol, said.

Another driver had seen Mr. Jones drive erratically shortly before the accident and reported him to the patrol, so troopers were already on the way when the latter crashed, the trooper said.

A preliminary breath test showed Mr. Jones was not drunk. He was disoriented and throwing up before he was transported by an ambulance, Mr. Davis said.

Bellevue is about 45 miles southeast of Toledo.