Lucas County dogs for adoption


Dogs killed by Acting Lucas County Dog Warden Bonnie Mitchell on Feb. 12, 15, and 16:

Breed and description; location seized, charge:

Chow Chow, black 20-year-old female named Bear, blind, unable to walk; surrendered by Kathy Melanathy, South, Toledo.

Rottweiler, black/orange male, old; Caledonia, Toledo.

“Pit Bull”, orange/white female; Lewis, Toledo.

“Pit Bull”, brown/white male, mean; Whiteway, Toledo; running at large.

“Pit Bull”, orange/white male, stray; Spencer, Toledo.

Dogs adopted out by Acting Lucas County Dog Warden Bonnie Mitchell on Feb. 12 and 13:

Breed and description; location seized, charge:

Border Collie mix, black/white female; Monclova, Maumee; running at large.

Beagle, tan/black female; surrendered by Lori Hoodlebrink, Toledo.

Shih Tzu, black/white female, Erie, Toledo.

Collie/German shepherd mix, tan/black/white female, under 3 months; Addington, Toledo; running at large.

Shih Tzu, black/white male; East Broadway, Toledo.

Chow Chow mix, black/orange female, 4-to-6-month-old; Artis, Toledo; running at large.