Lucas County dogs for adoption


Dogs killed March 4 and 5 by Acting Lucas County Dog Warden Bonnie Mitchell:

Breed and description; location seized, charge: Boxer, orange/white 16-year-old female named Girl, old, back legs gave out; surrendered by Jody Fleenor, North Huron, Toledo.

“Pit Bull”, white male, very nasty; Melanie and Robert Dellafl ora,

Boyd son, Toledo.

“Pit Bull”, orange/white male, Joffre, Toledo; running at large.

Two “Pit Bulls”, orange females; Pinewood, Toledo; running at large.

“Pit Bull”, orange/brown/white female; Colburn, Toledo; running at large.

“Pit Bull” mix, orange/brindle/white male, TPD #311, Scottwood, Toledo.

“Pit Bull”, orange/white 4-year-old male named Bandit, bit person; surrendered by Trishtina Mendivel, Rogers, Toledo.

“Pit Bull” mix, orange/white 1 - year-old male named Buster; surrendered by Theodore Franklin, Clinton, Toledo.

“Pit Bull” mix, red 1-year-old female named Starr; surrendered by Theodore Franklin, Clinton, Toledo.

Dogs adopted

Dog adopted out March 4 by Acting Lucas County Dog Warden Bonnie Mitchell:

Breed and description; location seized, charge:

Chow Chow, black/brown/tan female, TPD #621, old; Parkside, Toledo.

Cocker Spaniel mix, black male; Illinois, Maumee; running at large.

Mastiff, tan male, green runny eyes; Franklin, Toledo; running at large.