Builders donate $43,020 to Make-A-Wish


The Home Builders Association of Greater Toledo presented the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northwest Ohio with a $43,020 check Thursday at the association's Network Night event.

The donation results from the sale of a home that group members built in conjunction with the Parade of Homes in September, said Tony Plath, the association's executive vice president.

The home was a project led by members Mike Hojnacki of HOJ Development, Michael Dean of Michael Development, and Brian McCarthy of McCarthy Builders.

The home is in Lakeside Villas at Fallen Timbers in Monclova Township.

"The dedication of our area builders and suppliers created a truly amazing home," said Eric Slough, executive director of Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northwest Ohio, "and the net proceeds will go toward granting wishes to children with medically life-threatening illnesses."