Play it Safe: Warm Weather Fun Presents Hazards for Children


(NewsUSA) - Trampolines and swimming pools can mean big fun, but they can also lead to injuries or fatal accidents. And, homeowners can be found liable for injuries and deaths caused by "attractive nuisances," or dangers on their property that appeal to children.

However, there are several things homeowners can do to protect curious children and themselves.

"If you have a swimming pool, secure it with a tall, locked fence, and never let anyone swim unattended," said Bill Windsor, Safety Officer for Nationwide Insurance. "Be sure pool equipment, including ladders, handrails and diving boards, is secure and in good condition."

Additionally, pool area walkways and decks should be constructed of non-slippery materials and kept free of obstructions. Pool chemicals should be stored out of children's reach.

If you have a trampoline, keep it in a locked, fenced-in yard, and make sure that children never use it without supervision.

"Make sure hard areas, such as springs, hooks and the frame are covered with shock-absorbing pads, and refrain from placing a ladder near the trampoline, so that small children can't climb up without your knowledge," said Windsor. "Keep up on regular maintenance to make sure the trampoline is in good condition, and be sure it is placed away from buildings, swing sets or other obstacles."

Other potentially hazardous items on your property that could appeal to children include discarded appliances, abandoned cars or construction materials.

To prevent potential accidents and to protect yourself, your neighbors and your property, ask your insurance agent for suggested precautions you can take concerning potentially hazardous objects on your property.