What Iott really stands for


Rich Iott has said he is an expert when it comes to job creation. The people of the 9th Congressional District need to know what Mr. Iott really stands for when it comes to working families and jobs in northwest Ohio.

These are quotes about the auto industry taken from Mr. Iott's Nov. 14, 2008, Readers' Forum letter, “Auto industry can't compete with unions”:

“Failure would break the yoke of the union domination. That would be the best thing that could happen.”

“We do not ‘need' an ‘American' auto industry.”

“They are burdened with supporting union retirement funds and medical plans that are over-inflated and non-competitive.”

When a supposed job creator says he would like to see large companies fail and other companies that depend on those companies fail, to have thousands without jobs, and to rip retirement and medical insurance benefits from retirees who earned and desperately need them, then you have to ask yourself: Does Rich Iott speak for me?

Shawn Robaszkiewicz

Castleton Avenue

Rich Iott is critical of Rep. Marcy Kaptur's vote to save General Motors and Chrysler. He would have voted to let the firms go out of business, leaving thousands of workers unemployed. This is Mr. Iott's idea of job creation?

Where are the jobs he created? If they exist, are they the same caliber of jobs he is more than willing to vote away? He is arrogant and ignorant to think he could create jobs at a level that would come close to these jobs.

Any jobs he would create would benefit management more than the workers.

Sherry Green

Brock Drive

Every veteran in Ohio should be irate about Rich Iott's mailing in which he tries to palm himself off as a member of the Armed Forces.

He states he serves as a colonel in the Ohio Military Reserves, a civil support group that could assist the National Guard during a natural disaster. Volunteers in the Ohio Military Reserve are military wannabes who play soldier for eight hours a month at Camp Perry.

Mr. Iott also states he is a graduate of the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College and the U.S. Air Force War College. These are very impressive-sounding correspondence courses.

Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, was a colonel too, but I wouldn't call him a veteran.

Francis Monaghan

Mapleview Drive

If I were the representative of the 9th District, I would be guilt-ridden to see what has happened to the district I have represented for 28 years.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur brings some of our tax dollars home and helps her constituents with minor problems and photo opportunities. But what has she done to make the 9th District a better place to live? What have her seniority and alleged influence done to restore Toledo's prominence, attract business development, and foster job creation?

Are the citizens of Toledo and Lucas County better off now than they were when Miss Kaptur first went to Washington? The answer is obvious.

John F. Lechman


I disagree with your endorsement for Lucas County auditor (“Lucas auditor: Kaczala,” Oct. 4). The incumbent, Anita Lopez, manages an office that is respectful of the taxpayers it serves. I have received prompt and professional service when I have phoned or visited the office.

Ms. Lopez has reduced spending in her office, saving taxpayers more than half a million dollars a year in salaries and benefits. Through her efforts, payroll has been reduced from the previous auditor. That seems most praiseworthy.

Ms. Lopez has a well- deserved reputation for efficiency and fairness in serving the public. I agreed with your May 4 editorial “Don't lien on Toledo,” which praised her for her efforts to protect homeowners from having liens placed on their property for bills owed by previous owners. As you said then: “That's just wrong.”

I will be proud to cast my ballot again for Ms. Lopez, who takes pride in serving the needs of the taxpayers of Lucas County.

John Dewey

River Road

Three years ago, I met Anita Lopez when she came to our farm to support the Trees for Troops program and purchase a Christmas tree for her family. After hearing that she had already paid for her tree, I refunded the cost as a token of my appreciation for her support of the program. She said she could not accept my offer because she works for the county.

A short time later, I saw her husband and returned the money to him, thinking he was not under the same obligation that she was. Within a half hour, Ms. Lopez returned to the farm to refund the money.

My respect for her grew immensely as a result of her display of integrity and commitment, which we need more of in political offices. Turning down a $60 tree is a small example of her commitment to doing things the right way.

Ms. Lopez's strong character and display of professionalism make her an invaluable elected representative of our community.

Duke Wheeler

Edgehill Road

When Anita Lopez took office in 2007, she should have lowered property valuations in the county. Instead, she waited until property owners asked for reassessments of their properties.

How can she justify this lack of service to the people who elected her? When will she do the job that she wants to retain? When will she stop the mudslinging and address issues brought up by her opponent, Gina-Marie Kaczala?

John G. Garcia, Jr.

South Summit Street

I am outraged that more than 100,000 property owners have been unfairly paying higher taxes since 2007 (“Kaczala: Rival unevenly cut taxes in ‘07-09,” Oct. 6).

Ms. Lopez promised in 2007 that she would fairly appraise all property values, which she failed to do. The choice is clear: I am voting for Gina-Marie Kaczala.

Matthew D. Barry

Ruthdale Road

Wouldn't it have made more sense to rat-bait construction sites and neighborhoods before buildings are demolished, especially when schools are adjacent to the demolition sites (“Rats on the move in West Toledo,” Oct. 3)?

Our neighborhoods have been hammered enough.

Jon LeFevre

Homewood Avenue

It was a privilege to read Jack Lessenberry's Oct. 8 op-ed column, “MSU president frets about political myopia,” about Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon. Her leadership, stewardship of the university's finances, and generosity are exemplary.

Rather than complain about what she doesn't have, she makes do. Ms. Simon is looking to the future and how it will affect the university's students.

Beth Shoemaker
