Red-light cameras go up at 3 more Toledo sites


Motorists beware!

Three more red-light cameras are operating at Toledo intersections, snapping pictures of scofflaws.

The cameras at Dorr Street and Secor Road, Airport Highway and Reynolds Road, and Laskey Road and Secor started capturing images Monday. There is no warning period for motorists caught running red lights at those locations, police said.

The cameras join one at Hill Avenue and Byrne Road that went into operation Jan. 22. About 75 vehicle owners have received $75 tickets since that camera started snapping pictures.

Installation of additional cameras is under way at Monroe Street and Secor, Front and Main streets, Summit and Cherry streets, Anthony Wayne Trail and South Avenue, and Heatherdowns Boulevard and Reynolds. Cameras will be installed at Lewis Avenue and Alexis Road when road construction is finished there, police said.