Posse's fans cost $54,000 in local services


Expenses for extra law enforcement, cleanup, and repair of 10 frog sculptures in Toledo's “It's Reigning Frogs” public-art project from the recent Insane Clown Posse Gathering of the Juggalos 2001 Convention total about $54,000, officials said yesterday.

The city's portion of costs incurred July 13-17 for the event was $45,294. The largest portion - $31,551 - was for about 672 police overtime hours.

In addition to police costs, the city's expenses include $6,315 for fire and rescue operations; $4,517 for the division of streets, bridges, and harbor; $1,560 for the department of parks, recreation, and forestry, and $1,350 for frog sculpture repairs.

Lucas County Sheriff James Telb said his department spent about $9,000 for deputies recalled to duty or those who stayed over their regular shifts to provide extra security.

The weekend bash, which drew about 7,000 people, produced an estimated $4.2 million in revenue for area businesses, according to the Greater Toledo Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Police Chief Mike Navarre said recalling additional officers was necessary.

“It's better to be overprepared than underprepared. Based on what we saw [the morning of July 13], a strong uniformed presence prevented any major problems from occurring,” he said.

At least 20 people were arrested the first day of the three-day event. Over the course of the weekend, about 80 arrest reports were filed. Chief Navarre said officers used “good restraint” in only making arrests that were absolutely necessary, such as for assaults, public indecency, and drug abuse. He said officers could have arrested hundreds more.

Mayor Carty Finkbeiner and law enforcement authorities criticized the SeaGate Centre for a lack of security at the event, during which fans sprayed Faygo and, on the final day, rushed the stage during the concert by the Insane Clown Posse.

Fire and rescue personnel logged about 144 overtime hours. The division of streets, bridges, and harbor expense was for street sweeping and cleaning.

The division of parks, recreation, and forestry had extra costs to clean Promenade and International parks and Levis Square after fans slept and littered there, Paulette Huber, the mayor's spokeswoman, said.

During the weekend, six of the frog sculptures sustained minor damage that was fixed on site. Four others - Tastes Like Chicken, Garden Frog, Uncle Amphibian, and A Glass Act - were removed from city streets to be repaired.

A hole was punched in Uncle Amphibian's hat, and Tastes Like Chicken's leg was broken. They have returned to public view. Garden Frog, whose tongue was broken, will return Monday. A Glass Act's scepter was stolen, and it is waiting for its artist to make a another, Ms. Huber said.

The city and the sheriff's office are submitting their bills to SeaGate Centre. Jim Donnelly, its president and chief executive officer, has said he will submit the invoices to the event promoter, Psychopathic Records, Insane Clown Posse's private record label. “If the promoter doesn't come through, we'll try to have SeaGate honor it. We want somebody to pay,” the sheriff said.

Mr. Donnelly, who also is president and chief executive officer of the convention and visitors bureau, could not be reached for comment.