Campbell moves product line


NAPOLEON - Prego spaghetti sauce will return to Campbell Soup Co.'s Napoleon plant this fall after a hiatus of several years while some V8 Splash juice production will move to Sacramento, a company spokesman said yesterday.

While no jobs are expected to be added at the 1,400-employee factory, which mainly makes soups and juices, having spaghetti sauce in the product mix provides more stability, said John Faulkner, a spokesman for the Camden, N.J., company.

“That just helps out even out some ... seasonality,” he said.

Campbell's this week received a $38 million tax abatement from the Napoleon Area Board of Education for the plant's investment.

The Prego line is being installed where V8 Splash is bottled, but some of that juice production will move to the plant's other building, Mr. Faulkner said.

The Napoleon plant's product lineup includes soups, V8 juices, Franco-American pasta, Swanson broth, and Pace salsa.