Grand jury indicts 4 in shooting death


Four Toledo men were indicted yesterday by the Lucas County grand jury in connection with the shooting death Sunday of L.C. Pittman.

Michael A. Peals, 22, whose last known address was on Lincoln Avenue, and his brother, Earnest L. Peals, 25, of 508 North Hawley St., were indicted on one count each of aggravated murder and kidnapping. The charges carry specifications that a firearm was used in the crime.

Michael Peals was not in custody last night. Earnest Peals was being held in the Lucas County jail in lieu of $500,000 bond.

Dario Williamson, 25, of 1339 Hamilton St., and Kevin T. Jordan, 23, of 817 Sheridan St., were indicted on one count each of kidnapping. They were being held in the jail in lieu of $250,000 bond each.

Mr. Pittman, 38, of 508 North Hawley, Apt. 11, was found lying on a sidewalk on Vance Street.