Business calendar


Product-Focused Turnaround at Nissan is the topic at a program at Bowling Green State University at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Bowen-Thompson Student Union Theater, BGSU.

Speaker: Mitsuhiko Yamashita, president of Nissan Technical Center North America. Cost: free and open to the public.

Information: 419-372-2616.

Fulton County Manufacturers Day seminar, sponsored by the Fulton County Center for Economic Opportunity, will be from 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at the American Legion Hall, 5939 State Route 109, Delta. Cost: $15. Registration: 419-337-9215.


Notice of business meetings must be received by The Blade 10 days before the event. Send items to Becky Baker, The Blade, P.O. Box 921, Toledo, OH 43697-0921, and write “Business Calendar” on the envelope.