Restoration project completed

CTY GIRL06P 1 11/6/03 PHOTO BY LORI KING Ken Thompson, of Flatlanders Sculpture Supply, Blissfield, MI, gives the old man in the Seasons sculpture a bath while the little girl watches. The man and girl were reunited after she was vandelized and taken away to be fixed.
CTY GIRL06P 1 11/6/03 PHOTO BY LORI KING Ken Thompson, of Flatlanders Sculpture Supply, Blissfield, MI, gives the old man in the Seasons sculpture a bath while the little girl watches. The man and girl were reunited after she was vandelized and taken away to be fixed.

Blissfield artist Ken Thompson washes down the old man in Seasons after restoring the little girl in the sculpture. Mr. Thompson came to the rescue after reading in The Blade that the girl had been vandalized. He fixed her leg, then put her back in place yesterday in front of the United Way building at Summit and Jackson streets in downtown Toledo.