Business achievements: Snider to chair national legal assistant group


Cheryl Snider, a paralegal with Dana Corp., was named certifying board chair by the National Association of Legal Assistants headquartered in Tulsa, Okla.

The Toledo Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors has announced its new top board members: Matt Caputo, Ohio National, president; Fred Heintz, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, immediate past president; Michelle Burkhart, Savage and Associates, treasurer; Kevin Rood, Mass Mutual, national committee; and Kendra Ward, executive secretary.

People and Business Achievements, with news of management promotions, corporate board appointments, and awards, runs each week. Send announcements to Becky Baker, The Blade, P.O. Box 921, Toledo, OH, 43697-0921. Write Business Achievements on the envelope. Photos become the property of The Blade and will not be returned.