2 officers face suspension in alcohol case


Two Toledo police officers were recommended for suspension after they supplied alcohol to two 20-year-old women during an off-duty incident July 5.

Officers Erik Welling, 29, and Jose Medina, 31, were charged administratively with conduct unbecoming a police officer. Both pleaded no contest in separate hearings Sept. 10 and 24 and each was found guilty of the charge.

Chief Mike Navarre gave Officer Welling a 30-day suspension, with 20 of the days to be served and 10 to be held in abeyance. Officer Medina received a 10-day suspension; five of his days are to be served and five are to be held in abeyance.

The recommendations were sent to Safety Director Joe Walter, who has not ruled on the chief's decision.

Chief Navarre said the difference in the suspension days was because the officers, both of whom joined the force in December, 2000, had different levels of culpability in the incident.

No criminal charges were filed.

Gregg Harris, president of the Toledo Police Patrolman's Association, which represents the two officers, declined comment yesterday.