Mom found guilty in toddler s death


Angela Berry showed no emotion today as a jury found her guilty of murder in the death of her 3 year-old son in Toledo.

The jury in Lucas County Common Pleas Court deliberated about five hours before deciding Berry was guilty of murder and two counts of child endangering. Judge Ronald Bowman scheduled sentencing for Dec. 27.

Hassani Berry died Jan. 17 in St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center after paramedics found his naked body on the floor of Berry s Toledo apartment on Elm Street. A core body temperature of 66 degrees was taken in the emergency room causing police to question Ms. Berry s story that she found her son floating face up in the bathtub.

Prosecutors believe Hassani suffered from hypothermia after he was exposed to cold temperatures in an unheated enclosed porch at the home.

The trial started Monday.

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