Michigan hunter gets 30 days in fatal shooting


HILLSDALE - A 22-year-old Taylor, Mich., man has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for his role in the Nov. 16 shooting death of a 27-year-old Michigan hunter.

Christopher Nagle pleaded guilty Monday in Hillsdale County Circuit Court to careless discharge of a firearm.

Nagle and Mark Aguirre and Dean Thompson, also of Taylor, were deer hunting in a swampy area off M-99 on the fringes of Hillsdale, when Nagle accidentally shot Mr. Aguirre after Mr. Aguirre became separated from the group.

Nagle was ordered to pay $14,928 to Mr. Aguirre's family and court costs of $820. He received credit for two days spent in jail, but will be on probation four years.

Mr. Thompson faces a charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm.