East Toledo: Library officials look for new site


The branch of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library that has yet to reap the benefits of a $38.6 million bond issue passed in 1995 is set to move to a new location.

The Locke branch, 806 Main St., will soon be rebuilt on an undetermined site near its current location in East Toledo, said Charlie Oswanski, library superintendent for facilities and operations.

He said officials are in the process of looking at about five sites that are 1 acre to 1 1/2 acres to fit a new, 10,000-square-foot building along with adequate parking and green space.

Officials will be building a new branch because the current one was built in 1917 several feet above grade level, Mr. Oswanski said.

He said he hopes to design the project this summer after a piece of property is secured, and hopes to bid the project this winter and break ground in spring, 2006.