Bryan man gets 3 years for sex crimes


BRYAN - A 23-year-old, unemployed Bryan man who engaged in sexual conduct with a 13-year-old girl over the summer while he was on parole for a previous conviction of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor last year was sentenced yesterday to three years in prison.

Michael L. Krupeany was sentenced to three years on each of two counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, both second-degree felonies. The terms are to be served at the same time, according to the sentence handed down in Williams County Common Pleas Court.

When the incidents happened, Krupeany was about a third of the way through his three-year community control. In addition to the community control, he was sentenced to 60 days at the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio in 2004.

Also sentenced to three years in prison in Williams County yesterday was a 44-year-old Defiance man who took nude photos of a 15-year-old girl between May 10 and Aug. 17.

Michael T. Judkins, who is unemployed, was sentenced on one count of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material, a second-degree felony.

Both men pleaded guilty Oct. 13. They could have faced two to eight years in prison and a $15,000 fine on each count, but no fines were imposed because both are indigent.