Florida firm sues Toledo over land sale


A Florida electronics manufacturer has filed a lawsuit against the city of Toledo, accusing officials of wrongdoing in the sale of property that the company leased from the city for its operations until 2001.

Gary Stewart, president of Stewart-Peterson Inc., filed suit Monday in U.S. District Court against the city, the Toledo Economic Planning Council, and Carty Finkbeiner, who was mayor when the property was sold.

Also named as defendants were the Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank and James M. Caldwell, who is executive director of the nonprofit food distribution agency, which bought the East Woodruff property from the city in 2001.

Mr. Stewart of Royal Palm Beach, Fla., is asking the court for damages in excess of $2 million. The complaint was assigned to Judge James Carr.

Mr. Caldwell said he wasn't aware of the lawsuit and couldn't comment.