Cosmetic retailer told to stop contact lens sales


A Toledo cosmetic retailer was told yesterday by a Lucas County Common Pleas judge to stop selling nonprescription contact lenses.

Judge Frederick McDonald issued a temporary restraining order against Star Beauty Supply, Inc., 3024 Monroe St.

The order was in response to a request for an injunction filed last week by Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro. His office filed the complaint on behalf of the Ohio Optical Dispensers Board.

State law says only licensed eye-care professionals can sell contact lenses to wearers who have written prescriptions.

However, an undercover agent for the Optical Dispensers Board purchased a package of zero-power cosmetic contact lenses in February at Star Beauty without a written prescription, the lawsuit said.

A woman who identified herself as the wife of the owner of Star Beauty said she would not comment on Judge McDonald s order or the lawsuit.

Neil McElroy, an attorney for the owner, could not be reached for comment.

A hearing on the state s request for a preliminary and permanent injunction is set for May 4.