West Toledo area to get Model Block effort


Library Village, a neighborhood in the Five Points area of West Toledo, will be the target of the next Model Block effort, Mayor Carty Finkbeiner said yesterday.

Mr. Finkbeiner said that Library Village is the first neighborhood that isn t seriously economically distressed to get Model Block attention.

He said the decision came about after Library Village residents formed a committee and requested city assistance.

Model Blocks last about two weeks and involve concentrated attention from city tree-trimming crews, street and alley sweepers, nuisance abatement inspectors, and police serving warrants. The service will include identifying burned-out street lights.

The area to be covered is bounded roughly by Royalton Road; Lockwood, Martin, Lewis, Martha, and Berdan avenues, and Willys Parkway.

A two-hour town hall meeting is set for 6 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Eleanor Kahle Senior Center, 1315 Hillcrest Ave.