Pair injured in in Mother's Day brawl sue alleged attackers


A Toledo woman and her elderly mother who were both injured during a brawl at a restaurant on Mother's Day filed a lawsuit yesterday against their alleged attackers and the restaurant where the incident took place.

Christine Lewandowski and her mother, Sophia, filed the lawsuit in Lucas County Common Pleas Court asking for a minimum of $25,000 in damages. Named in the lawsuit are the Golden Corral Restaurant as well as Sophia Harris and Stephen Robinson, both of 1244 Indiana Ave., who were each indicted Wednesday on two counts of felonious assault.

The lawsuit claims that Sophia Lewandowski was knocked unconscious when she was hit with a metal napkin dispenser and that the defendants "beat her with her walker and their fists." Christine Lewandowski suffered multiple injuries, including broken ribs, after being knocked and struck and kicked repeatedly by the defendants, the lawsuit claimed.

Because the Golden Corral Restaurant, 5730 Opportunity Dr., "did not provide" for the safety of its customers, the restaurant was named in the lawsuit as well.

Police were called to the restaurant on May 13 after several people engaged in a fight. Witnesses said the altercation began after Christine Lewandowski yelled at Ms. Harris' young daughter, who was screaming in a high chair.

The lawsuit was assigned to Judge James Bates.