Ex-officer convicted on drug charge


A former Toledo police officer accused of having cocaine and marijuana inside his West Toledo home yesterday pleaded no contest to an amended charge. Three other charges in his case were dismissed.

A felony possession of drugs charge against Bryan Traband, 36, of Mansfield Street was amended to misdemeanor permitting drug abuse during a preliminary hearing in Toledo Municipal Court. Three misdemeanors - permitting drug abuse, drug paraphernalia, and possession of drugs - were dismissed upon the prosecutor's recommendation.

Mr. Traband resigned from the force a little more than a month after he and Timothy Mosakowski, 59, of 2930 Hartman St. were arrested March 17 at the former officer's home.

Mr. Mosakowski also was charged with felony possession of drugs, which yesterday was amended to attempt to commit an offense, a misdemeanor. He pleaded no contest and, like Mr. Traband, was found guilty.

Both men received suspended six-month sentences in the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio, were placed on probation for six months, and must have drug screens. Mr. Mosakowski is to have no new offenses.

Both were ordered to pay $500 fines and $79 in court costs, but the fines were suspended. Mr. Mosakowski also was ordered to pay a $40 probation fee, which he paid.

According to court records, a confidential source twice provided information in mid- February that Mr. Traband was involved in selling, possessing, and using marijuana and cocaine.

The source said Mr. Traband, who joined the force in 1993, would be having a party March 16 at his home and drugs would be there. The source recorded Mr. Traband using drugs on a covert audio/video device, according to the records.

The records indicated Mr. Traband had cocaine and marijuana and allowed Mr. Mosakowski and another man to ingest the drugs in his presence in his home.