Judge lets Calvin serve sentence on work-release


Edward Calvin asked a Lucas County Common Pleas Court judge to reconsider his sentence, saying that he does not have enough vacation days available to serve 30 days behind bars.

Mr. Calvin, 35, of 708 Walbridge Ave., was sentenced to jail after being convicted by a jury in July of complicity to assault.

He and his wife, Kristina, 31, were convicted of attacking a 64-year-old grandmother outside Glendale-Feilbach Elementary School, 2317 Cass Rd., as they waited to pick up their child.

Judge Frederick McDonald yesterday agreed to allow Mr. Calvin to serve his sentence on work-release so as not to jeopardize his job as a security guard at the Fermi nuclear power plant in Michigan.

He will not serve it until his wife is released.

The judge previously granted a motion that allowed Mr. Calvin to continue carrying his firearm at work.

Judge McDonald on Sept. 11 denied a request for sentence modification from Mrs. Calvin, who was convicted of misdemeanor assault. She had asked to serve her 30-day sentence on electronic monitoring.

Instead, she was ordered to serve her time in jail and is currently at the Correction Center of Northwest Ohio in Stryker.