Mother gets 4 years in case of dog chewing off son s foot


The mother of a boy whose foot was chewed off by a pit bull puppy will serve four years in prison after she was found guilty of child endangering.

Martina Jennings, 23, of 1209 St. John St. collapsed in the Lucas County Common Pleas courtroom after being handcuffed. She was quickly escorted out by deputies and showed no other emotion.

Jennings pleaded no contest Sept. 18 to child endangering. She faced a maximum of five years in prison.

Judge Linda Jennings said before sentencing that she didn t believe the defendant Jennings understood the seriousness of what occurred.

Jennings took her son, Jameille Walker, to Toledo Hospital Feb. 2 for injuries she claimed were caused by the family s dog. Jameille has spina bifida and cannot feel pain in his lower extremities.

She was arrested Feb. 5 and charged with child endangering because she failed to secure the dog, which chewed off her son s foot up to the ankle. The 4-month-old puppy was euthanized.

Jennings' attorney, Larry DiLabbio, said he was surprised by the sentence and plans to appeal. Members of Jennings family declined to comment after the sentence.

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