Toledo north end area picked to be next Model Block


Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner yesterday announced the city's second 2008 Model Block cleanup effort - in a north-end neighborhood.

Under the program, employees from city departments work to clean streets and alleys, trim trees, enforce nuisance laws, and serve criminal warrants.

The new Toledo Model Block area is bounded by Stickney Avenue, Bronson Avenue, D Street, and Paxton Street.

The city and United North, a community development corporation, have joined forces to improve the area.

Mr. Finkbeiner said the city would raze dilapidated homes, mow uncut lots, trim trees, clean alleys, remove junk vehicles, and repair potholes. There also would be extra police patrols in the area, he said.

After the mayor concluded his announcement on Paxton, several residents among the 25 people looking on bombarded the mayor with concerns regarding teenage drug use and drug sales in the neighborhood, poor street lighting, and absentee landlords whose properties are eyesores.