Sylvania Township trustees OK buying land for firehouse


Sylvania Township trustees have authorized buying two lots on Haddon Road near Whiteford Road and Monroe Street as the site for a new fire station.

The township agreed to pay $100,000 for the properties at 5046 and 5056 Haddon. The lots are for the township's Fire Station No. 3.

The site is near the current station No. 3 at the northeast corner of Whiteford and Monroe. But because the new site is on a side street, it will allow trucks to avoid traffic as they maneuver in and out of the station, Trustee Carol Contrada said.

Cramped conditions in fire- houses and budget shortfalls prompted the township to begin seeking additional funding for the fire department in 2005.

After two unsuccessful levy attempts, funding for the upgrades was made available by voter approval of a 1.25-mill fire levy in March.

The township also is seeking a new location for Fire Station No. 2.

The township plans to remodel station No. 4 and the Sylvania Avenue central fire station.