Toledo attorney's law license suspended


The law license of Toledo attorney Frank Simmons, Jr., has been suspended by the Supreme Court of Ohio after it was determined that he represented clients in two Michigan court cases in 2006 while his Ohio law license was under an administrative suspension.

Mr. Simmons was suspended for one year with the last six months of the term stayed. Although he lives is Detroit, he is not licensed as an attorney in Michigan.

The Supreme Court found in its opinion released last week that Mr. Simmons "falsely represented himself as a member of a joint law practice with his sister, who is licensed to practice in Michigan, and signed his sister's name without her knowledge or permission

on court documents that identified the sister as counsel of record in the cases where he appeared."

The court also found that he was working on one of the cases while his license was suspended between December, 2005, and June, 2006.