City police records clerk faces Joe case discipline


A Toledo police records clerk in the investigative services bureau was found guilty of department charges filed after she used a state database to access information about the Springfield Township man known as Joe the Plumber.

During a disciplinary hearing Friday, Chief Mike Navarre recommended that Julie McConnell, the clerk, be given a verbal reprimand.

Ms. McConnell, who was hired by the department in April, 1995, had no prior discipline record.

Chief Navarre said Ms. McCon nell used the Law Enforcement Automated Data System, often called LEADS, to confirm Samuel Joe the Plumber Wurzelbacher s address at the request of a local television reporter.

The information accessed was public record, but Chief Navarre said Ms. McConnell violated department policy by accessing the information through the automated data system.

An investigation began when Toledo police received a call from the Ohio Highway Patrol, asking why information on Mr. Wurzelbacher was accessed.