5 Monroe bank employees get volunteer service awards


Five employees of Monroe Bank & Trust have been named recipients of the President's Volunteer Service Awards given by the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation. Those recognized and the amount of time they volunteered were Leannda Bruck, 137 hours; Tina Black, 155 hours; Pat Orr, 166 hours; Rebecca Roof, 321 hours, and Wanita Robinson, 337 hours.

Douglas J. Fox, of Perrysburg was elected to a one-year term as board president of the Professional Insurance Agents Association of Ohio Inc. effective Jan. 1. He is an agent with Diversified Insurance Service LLC, Toledo.

Jeannine Giesler, of Elmore, an agent and co-owner at Diversified Insurance in Fremont, was elected to a three-year term on the trade group's board.

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