Perrysburg police to get pay raises in 2009-10


Perrysburg police will receive raises in the first two years of a new three-year contract, though the city and unions will reopen wage talks for 2011.

Three units of the Ohio Patrolmen s Benevolent Association yesterday accepted a fact-finder s report that called for the 22 patrol officers and six sergeants to receive a 3.25 percent raise this year and a 3 percent raise in 2010.

The third unit, which represents an animal control officer, two records clerks, and seven dispatchers, will not receive a raise in their base pay this year but most of their salaries will increase because the fact-finder recommended eliminating three steps in their salary scale.

Michelle Sullivan, a lawyer for the police unions, said two senior employees who will not benefit from the change in the salary scale are to receive a lump-sum payment equal to 4 percent of their base pay this year. All of the employees in the unit are to receive a 3 percent raise in 2010 and have a wage reopener in 2011.

Perrysburg City Council previously rejected a tentative agreement reached with the police unions that called for 3 percent raises in each of the three years of the contract. Last week, council voted 6-1 to accept the fact-finder s report.

Ms. Sullivan said the vote was not unanimous, although most union members were satisfied with the compromise. All in all, we re happy with the outcome, she said.