Blade staffers win honors in Ohio AP contest


COLUMBUS - Several Blade staff members won awards yesterday in the annual Associated Press Society of Ohio newspaper competition in the division for newspapers with circulations of more than 75,000.

Staff Writer Steve Eder won first place in Best Explanatory Reporting for "India: Driven to Compete."

The three-day series that began Nov. 30 focused on India's burgeoning auto manufacturing industry and was based on Mr. Eder's three weeks of travel and interviewing in India.

Mr. Eder and staff writer Julie M. McKinnon received second place in Best Investigative Reporting for "Not What the Doctor Ordered." The four-day series that started Aug. 24 reported on what doctors said was a trend of insurers dictating medical-treatment decisions.

Mr. Eder also received a third-place award for Best News Writer.

Staff Writer Tom Henry won an honorable mention in Best Explanatory Reporting for "On Thin Ice," an October series that examined climate change.

Graphic artist Jeff Basting won first place in Best Illustration for "Walleye World." Graphic artist Tom Fisher won second place in the same category for "Life Without Sugar." Mr. Basting also won an honorable mention for Best Informational Graphic with "Let it Snow."

Photographer Dave Zapotosky won third place in Best Spot News Photo for "Clinging to Dry Ground."

Kirk Walters won third place for Best Editorial Cartoonist.

Wes Booher won an honorable mention for Best Graphic Artist.

Matt Markey won honorable mention as Best Sports Writer.

Photographer Andy Morrison was an honorable mention in Best Sports Photo for "Inspiration."

The Blade staff won third place in Best Enterprise Reporting for "State of Distress" and third place in Best Special Section for "Discover."