Shooting claims Toledoan; man hit outside home after return from church


A 47-year-old South Toledo man was fatally shot outside his home yesterday, Toledo police said.

Richard Soria, of 659 Congress St., suffered multiple gunshot wounds about 12:12 p.m. shortly after returning from church, police said.

When police responded to the shooting in the city's Old South End, they found Mr. Soria on the walkway leading to the front porch of his one-story house.

Mr. Soria was taken to St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, where he died a short time later.

Police said witnesses saw a white male of medium build, 20 to 30 years old, and wearing a white T-shirt fleeing in a dark sport utility vehicle.

Neighbor Gerome Hendricks, 49, said of the victim, "He's a good guy, a good neighbor."

He said he heard three shots and ran outside in time to see someone run from the porch and flee in a black SUV.

Many of Mr. Soria's neighbors gathered on the lawn of a nearby home as police investigators examined the property.

Some of them were shaken, and others said the shooting was an unfortunate reminder of why more police are needed to patrol Toledo streets.

"[Mr. Soria] ain't a bad dude," said David Martinez, a 27-year-old relative and neighbor of Mr. Soria. "I can't believe somebody would do that." He said Mr. Soria had a roofing business and he was a churchgoer.

Neighbor David Speelman, 53, said he saw a black SUV with shiny wheel rims parked behind his pickup.

Mr. Speelman said he heard a series of gunshots and then saw someone get into the vehicle and drive away.

"We've never had any trouble over here with anybody around here," Mr. Speelman said.

The house at 659 Congress belongs to Anthony Soria, according to the Lucas County Auditor's Web site.

According to the Web site, Anthony Soria bought the house at 659 Congress just last Friday from Ricardo Soria II for $11,000.