Swine flu is confirmed in Wauseon student, 10


WAUSEON Ohio health officials confirmed yesterday that a 10-year-old Fulton County girl was infected with the H1N1 or swine flu virus.

The girl, a student in the Wauseon Exempted Village Schools, contracted the virus after being visited by someone from an area where there are cases of swine flu, Michael Oricko, Fulton County health commissioner, said Monday. No one else in her family became ill, he added.

Hers was the second confirmed case in the Toledo area. The Michigan Department of Community Health confirmed Sunday that a child in the Airport Community Schools, north of Monroe, tested positive for the H1N1 infection.

The Ohio Department of Health confirmed 11 cases statewide as of noon yesterday. But the department has ruled out 243 suspected cases, Kristopher Weiss, department spokesman, said.

The Michigan Department of Community Health confirmed 139 cases yesterday, including the child in Monroe County and a person in Hillsdale County. It does not report probable cases. Spokesmen from both departments could not explain the disparity.