FBI: Mich. man planned assault, drove to Toledo


TOLEDO A church music director from Michigan has been arrested for driving to Ohio with plans to assault two girls he met on MySpace.

FBI Special Agent Michael Brooks says 32-year-old David Zobel of Ann Arbor, Mich., was charged Friday with interstate travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct.

The girls, aged 12 and 13, say Zobel assaulted them in a Toledo parking garage.

Authorities found a camera containing sexually explicit images of the girls at Zobel s house.

Brooks says Zobel denies the assault. He faces 30 years in prison if convicted.

The University of Michigan s Web site listed Zobel as a pianist with the men s glee club and music director at a church in Ypsilanti. The page was later removed.

The FBI did not say whether he had an attorney.