Toledo-Lucas County Library officials announce opposition to governor's proposed cuts


Clyde Scoles, the director of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, on Monday called "devastating" budget cuts that have been proposed by Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.

During a press conference Monday afternoon at the downtown branch of the library, Mr. Scoles was joined by more than 20 library advocates as he urged members of the community to e-mail state representatives and senators expressing their concern about the governor’s proposed 50 percent funding cut for public libraries across the state.

The governor’s budget plan cuts $227.3 million from an expected $403 million for the Public Library Fund (PLF), the primary funding source for about 70 percent of all Ohio public libraries.

If approved, library advocates say the budget proposal would result in library closings and drastically reduced services at a time when circulation and demand for free internet access in libraries is at an all-time high.