Teen admits role in activist Robert Brundage's death


The teenager accused of killing community activist Robert Brundage took responsibility Tuesday for the robbery and the assault that led to his death.

Dai'Lahntae Jemison, 16, answered yes to a series of questions Tuesday about his role in the June 22 attack on Mr. Brundage over his bicycle and was subsequently found delinquent of robbery and murder by Lucas County Juvenile Court Judge Connie Zemmelman.

The case was continued to Sept. 29 for sentencing. He faces incarceration until he turns 21.

The teen was previously charged with aggravated robbery and murder for assaulting Mr. Brundage, who died about two weeks later on July 7 at the age of 66.

The aggravated robbery charge was amended to robbery.

Young Jemison, who was 15 at the time of the incident, answered "yes" to a series of questions by Assistant County Prosecutor Lori Olender, admitting he punched a man in the face and stole his bike.

She asked if the man got back up and he said no.

"As a result of that, sometime later did you find out the man had passed away?" Ms. Olender asked Young Jemison.

He responded, "Yes."

Ms. Olender said after the hearing she was pleased the teen pleaded to the murder and decided not to put the Brundage family through a trial.

Young Jemison's attorney, Joanne Rubin, declined to comment.