Wood County Parks gives grants


GRAND RAPIDS, Ohio — Eighteen Wood County communities will share in $100,000 from the Wood County Park District to make improvements at their local parks next year.

Park commissioners yesterday approved the grants, which are made each year with the proceeds from the park district's countywide 1-mill levy.

The biggest awards went to Rossford, which is to receive $11,771 for outdoor fitness equipment, and to Portage Township, which was awarded $11,231.92 for playground equipment.

Also receiving grants were:

• Bloomdale, $6,366 for playground equipment and safety surfacing border.

• Cygnet, $3,200 for baseball dugout construction.

• Haskins, $2,500 for batting cage and picnic tables.

• Lake Township, $4,507.76 for playground equipment and safety surfacing.

• Liberty Township, $5,973.76 for playground equipment and safety surfacing.

• Luckey, $5,331.93 for picnic tables.

• Millbury, $9,300 for paving parking lots and walkways.

• North Baltimore, $6,974.54 for playground equipment and picnic tables.

• Pemberville, $2,530 for pool pump and drinking fountains.

• Perrysburg, $4,843.84 for picnic tables.

• Tontogany, $8,267.72 for playground equipment and surfacing.

• Troy Township, $3,770 for trees and benches.

• Washington Township, $2,747 for adjustable basketball goal.

• West Millgrove, $5,265.50 for playground equipment and safety surfacing.

• Weston, $1,595.03 for accessible picnic table and handicapped signage for parking lot.

• Wayne, $3,824 for baseball scoreboard.