Woman admits driving over boyfriend


Alexandria Taylor admitted in Lucas County Common Pleas Court Monday that after her boyfriend waved what she believed was a gun at her, she drove her vehicle over him.

Taylor, 27, of 2226 Broadway, pleaded guilty to felonious assault Monday for causing serious physical harm with a dangerous weapon. A second, alternate charge of felonious assault will be dismissed at her Oct. 19 sentencing.

Authorities said Taylor hit Joseph Muniz, 42, with a car after a quarrel; in the parking lot of an Old South End bar. The incident occurred at 2:20 a.m. Aug. 13 and resulted in Mr. Muniz being hospitalized.

Taylor admitted that the incident began with a fight outside Charleston's Bar, 402 Broadway. Authorities said the car was parked on the street time and that Taylor got into the car and then hit Mr. Muniz with it.

Authorities said the gun was an air pistol.

Taylor faces up to eight years in prison.