Oregon mayor forms ‘truth commission' after son's suspension as police officer


On the heels of her son's suspension from the city police department, Oregon Mayor Marge Brown said Friday that she has formed a "truth commission" and is ready to appoint its members.

"I have stated this before and I will state it again — I have nothing to hide," the mayor, who is up for reelection Nov. 3 after finishing a distant second in the September primary, said at a morning news conference in the Oregon Municipal Building.

"Judge me on my accomplishments. Don't judge me on what my 38-year-old son has done."

Mayor Brown's son, Patrolman Jeffrey Brown, who is 39, was recently suspended for 20 days without pay for illegally using a statewide law enforcement database to search for information about a former girlfriend.

A report released last month also noted previous allegations that Officer Brown had sexual contact several years ago with a former girlfriend while on duty. Those allegations were dismissed, the report said, because the results of a department internal investigation conducted by former police chief Thomas Gulch could not be found.

Mr. Gulch, now a manager in the Lucas County Sheriff's Office, has indicated that he will answer questions about his investigation into Officer Brown's conduct if and when the city of Oregon removes a section of his separation agreement barring him from portraying the city administration "in a negative light."

Mayor Brown said at a press conference Friday morning she had nothing to do with those investigations.