Task for a pleasant Sunday

ROV tree11p Teeny Guynes, left, of Sylvania Township, takes advantage of the beautiful weather and some help cutting an apple tree from friends Laurie Goetz, left rear, and Karen Moore, right, on October 11, 2009. Goetz and Moore are from Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Blade/Jetta Fraser
ROV tree11p Teeny Guynes, left, of Sylvania Township, takes advantage of the beautiful weather and some help cutting an apple tree from friends Laurie Goetz, left rear, and Karen Moore, right, on October 11, 2009. Goetz and Moore are from Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Blade/Jetta Fraser

Laurie Goetz tugs on a rope fastened to the limb of a tree as Teeny Guynes of Sylvania Township, left, puts a chainsaw to work.

Karen Moore also was on hand Sunday to help.