Andrew Reebel


NAME: Andrew Reebel

SCHOOL: Summerfield High School


School subject: Art

Extracurricular activity: Motocross

Hobbies: Motocross and drawing

Car: 1979 Chevy Blazer

Store: Hollister

Musical artist: Breaking Benjamin

Movie: The Godfather

TV show: 30 Rock


Cafeteria food must-have: Macintosh apples

Last book read that wasn't required: The Hayden Brothers biography

Pet peeve: When people crack their knuckles and back.

Person most admired: Ricky Carmichael

Person I'd like to meet: Ricky Carmichael

Item always in my locker: Red Bull

First job: Host at LaFiesta

Top accomplishment: Seven first-place ribbons at the Monroe County Fair.


After-graduation plans: Go to art school for concept design.

Career goal: To be an accomplished artist, and be the best in my line of work.

Quote from teacher: “Andrew is an exceptional art student,” said Curtis Olsen, art teacher. “In three years of high school art, Andrew has earned 11 blue ribbons at the Monroe County Fair, including a “best of show.” Andrew is a pleasure to have in the classroom, self-motivated and talented.”