Oregon council approves hiring Beazley as administrator


Oregon City Council on Thursday approved hiring Lucas County Administrator Michael Beazley as the city's next administrator.

Mr. Beazley, 55, who was recruited by Oregon Mayor Mike Seferian, will be paid $120,000 a year as Oregon administrator plus medical benefits and payments into a private retirement account. He has been the county's administrator for five years.

"The intention was always to get the highest- quality individual that was out there," Mayor Seferian said.

Council voted 6-0 to appoint Mr. Beazley and authorize Mayor Seferian to enter into a five-year employment contract with him. One council member, Mike Sheehy, was absent from the special meeting called by Mayor Seferian because he was out of town.

Mr. Beazley, who starts March 1, said wasn't looking for a job when Mayor Seferian contacted him, but his enthusiasm was contagious. His job will not be to "fix" Oregon but help it thrive, he told councilmen and about 30 city employees and residents at the meeting.

"Every person I talk to from Oregon is proud to be here," Mr. Beazley said.

Mr. Beazley was Mayor Seferian's top pick for the position vacated Nov. 28 when Ken Filipiak left Oregon to become city manager of Mentor, Ohio. Paul Roman, Oregon's public service director, has been acting city administrator.

Oregon received nearly 60 resumes from applicants interested in the city administrator position. Mayor Seferian also fielded calls from interested people who did not want to submit resumes because they become public record and scouted other candidates on his own.

Mr. Beazley originally told Lucas County Commissioners he wanted to retire last year, but he stayed on for the Lucas County Arena's completion and another budget cycle.