Grant Genzman

Grant Genzman
Grant Genzman


School subject: Physics

Extracurricular activities: Wrestling, tennis, student council secretary, Hurtado House captain

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, sailing

Car: Manual 1990 Mazda MC-6

Musical artists: Maroon 5, Miles Davis, Flo Rida

Movie: Remember the Titans

TV show: Man vs. Food, Bones


Cafeteria food must-have: Reuben sandwich

Last book read that wasn't required: Dove by Robin Lee Graham

Persons most admired: My parents

Person I'd like to meet: Benjamin Franklin

Item always in my locker: Too many books

First job: Running my own lawn-care business

Top accomplishment: Meeting my goal of living up to my full potential in all that I do


After-graduation plans: As of now, I have received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy and have been accepted to a few other universities. I plan to begin my education in engineering

Career goal: Find an exciting and enjoyable position of leadership that I feel serves people and/or the world

Quote from teacher: Cheri Bischoff, academic assistant principal, describes Grant as β€œan excellent leader and a man for others.”

β€” Information is compiled by Lucas County Educational Service Center for The Blade.