Michelle Egan

Michelle Egan
Michelle Egan

Michelle Egan is an excellent young educator with full command of the subjects she teaches.

She is in her fifth year of teaching, and she has taught four of those years at Evergreen High School. She teaches first through fourth year Spanish to all grade levels.

Mrs. Egan is well liked by her students who appreciate her knowledge and experience with Spanish culture and her thorough command of the spoken language.

Mrs. Egan engages her students in various activities that stimulate their interest in learning the language. Through her efforts, the demand from our students to take Spanish has increased to a point where we have had to add another teacher to meet those requests.

Mrs. Egan received her bachelor of arts degree in Spanish education from the University of Toledo in 2004, and she is working on her master's degree.

She has received Pathwise training and has served as a mentor teacher. She also has attended Ohio foreign language conferences. She is the varsity softball coach and led the team to the league championship in 2008 and 2009.

Mrs. Egan is the faculty adviser to the Spanish Club and has been instrumental in building a strong Spanish language program at Evergreen.

She married Brian Egan on New Year's Eve.

“Michelle has great rapport and relates well to our students,” said Mark Basilius, principal.